Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2016 Dec 7th

The newspaper today has the pictures of people who were at Pearl Harbor 75 years ago when the Japanese attacked. Seventy-five years from now, will newspapers have pictures of those of us who survived the election of Donald Trump? Which event put the country more in peril?

Mike Flynn, the son of Lt. General Mike Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, was canned from the transition team; his firing was rumored to be the result of an edict from The Donald himself. Mike Junior was the naughty boy who produced, or sent on, false “news” about some pizza parlors in D.C. he claimed were gathering places for child porn enthusiasts. Hillary Clinton and her evil henchman John Podesta supposedly enabled these sites. The fake news encouraged one mentally challenged gentleman to take his AR-15 and go to self-investigate this pizza shop. He called attention to his mission by firing a round into the floor and scaring the hell out of everyone there before he was taken away.
Daddy Flynn has been sending equally outlandish fake news. It is quite possible that Trump is sending a message to Flynn Senior to lay off this nonsense or he will also be sent away to look after his son. Senior Flynn is a conspiracy theorist without peer; he believes that countries from China to Cuba have conspired to support the global Muslim threat against us. He tries to make this point in his book, “Field of Fight,” Flynn also heads a consulting group that does business with the government; more conflict of interest?
The new appointee as head of Homeland Security is General John Kelly. This is another retired four star Marine Corps General who will join General Mattis who will be Secretary of Defense. This makes three senior generals in Trump’s cabinet or inner circle. How many generals does it take to make a junta?
Following on we have a meeting of the white power folks, 275 of them in D.C., but hey, Bill O’Reilly assures us that there is no there there. He gloats over the fact that 50 (?) journalists showed up to cover the story. So what? Would he have been OK with just five journalists? The point is that with Trump as President Elect the white nationalists are chortling happily away and the likes of O’Reilly are telling us to just ignore it.

We have a local letter writer who apparently loves the “Confederate Flag.” Marc Perkins has a letter to the editor of the local paper in which he revises Civil War history.  You see it wasn’t about slavery until the end of the war; it was about cotton prices. He claims we fly the flags of other nations we fought. Really?  I can’t remember seeing any NSDAP party swastika flags recently, but then I may have just missed them. Not even Germany flies that flag anymore.
A Google search of most any of the states of the old Confederacy will quickly turn up the “Articles of Secession.” These documents inevitably list state’s rights, in particular the rights of these states to own slaves, as the reason they left the Union. Whitewashing that isn’t easy.

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