Saturday, December 24, 2016

2016 Dec 24th

Trump says that he has “…received a very nice letter from Vladimir Putin. His thoughts are so correct.” And so the Trump/Putin bromance continues…through Christmas at least. Later it will depend on whether or not Trump’s posture toward Russia continues on a “qualitatively” different path, that is to say, one more pleasing to Putin than Obama’s has been. At least nuclear winter can wait until after the inauguration.

At this very moment Trump is playing golf with Tiger Woods. Given that he becomes President in about 25 days, why not spend your time playing golf. Never mind that there are cabinet positions to fill and that about 4000 federal jobs must be filled very soon. Hey, maybe if he tries, he can make a birdie and win a hole against Tiger Woods.
He has filled some positions that I doubt previously existed: Dan Scavino is to be Director of Social Media (Tweets?). This is the guy responsible for at least one anti-Semitic tweet and Megyn Kelly holds him responsible for death threats she has received. Never mind, he is loyal to Trump; that’s what counts.
Hope Hicks is now Director of Strategic Communications, presumably not including tweets; that’s Scavino’s job, and not including communicating with the press, which is the job of Sean Spicer, Press Secretary.
But then there is Jason Miller who is now Communications Director, except of course communications that fall to Scavino’s social media responsibilities and Hick’s Strategic Communications, and communicating with the press which is Spicer’s job.
Now that you have your playbill sit back and enjoy the circus. Just don’t sit under the trapeze artists.

 There have already been some attempts by family members to monetize Mr. Trump’s election. The boys, Donald Jr. and Eric had a truly brilliant idea, although surprisingly insensitive even for descendants of Donald Trump. Donald Jr. is 38 years old and Eric is 32, so these men are old enough to have developed a notion  that selling access to your father on his first official day as President of the United States is a very inappropriate thing to do.
They advertised a meeting with their daddy on his very first day in office for a donation of a million dollars to their favorite charity.  Mercifully, the offer wasn’t up very long before someone pointed out that this was tacky even for Trump and company, so the offer disappeared.
Stay tuned, something equally gross will be coming along.

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